School Council TSB: Get in touch with us if you have any questions or feedback that concern matters within TSB, e.g. things that influence your studies.
You can find our Feedback Form here.
Management Team TSB: We have monthly meetings with the Management Team to evaluate the feedback we get from you and discuss new initiatives within TSB, e.g. changes to study programs, budget plans and workloads.
SALIS: Students Advisory Library ICT Service. It consists of 15 members including students from each faculty and university councils as well as management of the university library. They meet once a month to develop and improve ICT and other study related services on campus e.g. Wi-Fi, the free study spaces / free computer systems, and various other IT Services on campus.
Let us know if you have any tips on how to improve the Library or any other IT services!
Education Committee: The Education Committee consists of students of each study program within TSB. They evaluate their studies and ask their fellow students for input on what can be improved. They are in touch with the Management Team and let them know which specific problems occur in their study. You have complaints about an exam? Some feedback on your courses? Then contact us and we forward the feedback to the Education Committee.
International Advisory Group: The International Advisory Group consists of students of every English-taught study program offered within TSB. They give us the feedback gathered especially from international students and help us thereby to further integrate the international students’ interests.
Study Associations: Not only do the study associations provide further study-focused events like lecture talks and summaries but also plan fun activities to help you bond with your fellow students. The study associations forward us concerns that they get from you. IDEA is taking a major place in this section as it is functioning as the umbrella organization for all programs included in TSB to create a feeling of connectedness within TSB.
For all TSB Students - check out IDEA here.
For Psychology Students - COMPLEX here.
For HRS Students - INPUT here.
For GMSI Students - POLIS here.
For Sociology Students - VERSOT here.
University Council: The University Council consists of students representatives from Front and SAM of all the study programs available at our university. Together with the Executive Board they make decisions that have university-wide effects, e.g. if a new building is needed or if more computers have to be bought for the library. If you have input that is of university-wide concern or a great idea you want the university to know about then contact student party Front and student party SAM.