Are you involved with your study and not scared to be critical? Would you like to represent you fellow students and have a say about your education? Then being a member of the Education Committee in academic year 2021-2022 is something for you! As a member of the Education Committee you will learn a lot about the policies of your study program and have an influence on it. The function will cost you about 5 hours per month of your time and you will receive a monthly compensation. Moreover, you become familiar with the way things are arranged within the university and you learn a lot about the bureaucracy within this institution. In short - Not only do you earn a little extra money, you also gain useful knowledge that you can use in your future career!
Dear students,
Are you looking for an opportunity to become more involved within your study?
Then apply for the education committee of your study, where you can not only critically voice your concerns and ideas about your study, but also represent your fellow students and make sure their opinions are heard as well!
We are looking for you and your input! Apply now for the education committee 2021/2022 and join the monthly meetings where the quality of education will be discussed with other students and the program director. That way you can ensure that students’ evaluations of courses are taken seriously, and you can be a part of actively changing your study.
Our Vacancies are:
Sociology: Master Students
Psychology: 1st Year, 2nd year, and 3rd Year Students
Human Resources: 1st Year and Master Students
Organization Studies: 1st Year, 3rd Year, Master, and GMSI Students
Send your CV and motivation letter to the following addresses until the latest until the 10th of November. We are looking forward to meeting you (via Zoom).
You can email us at: