We proudly announce the board of Student Party Stimulus 2022/2023. Here you can read all about our members visions and ideas for the coming year. Do you want to know more about what the individual functions entail? Then read further under the topic "WHAT WE DO".
Maxine Große
BSc Psychology
My Name is Maxine, and I am a third-year psychology student at Tilburg University. Originally, I am from Germany, however I lived most of my life abroad in countries such as
Malaysia and the USA. Due to this, I completed my last stimulus board year as the International Advisory Group Chair. This year I will be the chairwoman of Stimulus & my goal
this year is to further improve student life for both Dutch and international students by being actively engaged in their student lives. Furthermore, I want to take more steps to ensure the inclusion of international students at Tilburg University. I believe that all students at Tilburg University
should be treated equally in all aspects.
Naomi de Leng
Vice Chairwoman
BSc Psychology
MSc Social and Behavioral Sciences (Social Psychology)
My name is Naomi, and I am 22 years old. This year I have started with the Research Master in the Social and Behavioral Sciences in which I specialise in Social Psychology. I recently graduated from the bachelor Psychology. I am currently a research assistant at Tranzo and a student assistant for the Bachelor Psychology. My interests include dancing, reading, and playing a background role in a movie or two sometimes. I have decided to do a board year at Stimulus because I find it extremely important students’ voice is heard and taken seriously. I want to contribute to Stimulus being a safe place where students can voice their concerns and raise questions that we can help them with. I am specifically focused on improving the quality of education, as I feel like that can be improved (e.g., in terms of English quality of the lecturers, relevance examples used in courses), especially in the larger TSB bachelor programs. I am very grateful to be in this position, and I will be doing my best to make sure you are heard. Therefore, always feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions, and I will always make sure to try my best to help you!
Henryetta Paleit
BSc Psychology
I am Henryetta Paleit, 21 years old and currently a third-year psychology student with specialization in Economic Psychology. I am an international student from Germany living in The Netherlands for around 2,5 years now. On a personal level it is important to me to bring Dutch and International students together and help them get in contact. Within my board I will be the Secretary this year and additionally I hold a seat in the TSB faculty council where I represent students interests in the name of Stimulus.
Next to my studies and part-time board year at Stimulus I play field hockey at TSHV Shot and I enjoy working as a barkeeper at Taphuys.
Aysun Hasan
IAG Coordinator
BSc Human Resources
I am Aysun Hasan, a 20-year-old Bulgarian girl with
Turkish origins. I am a second-year HR student at Tilburg
University. Besides studying, I love travelling, shopping,
reading self-help books, meeting new people, walking
around nature. This year as a board member of
Stimulus, I will represent you - TSB students, so
that together we can create a change for the better. As the IAG coordinator, I am hosting meetings each block to discuss TSB students’ concerns, complaints, questions and suggestions.
Ilayda Siner
Educational Resources
BSc Psychology
MSc New Media Design
I'm Ilayda Siner, a former psychology bachelor's student and a current New Media Design Student at Tilburg University. Currently, I am a Talent Acquisition Intern at Signify, and work as an international student recruiter at Tilburg University. My passions in life include health in every way, be it fitness, nutrition or mental health, I find that it is my calling to help myself and others be the healthiest version of themselves. As I have been an international student for most of my academic life, I resonate with the issues that international students face deeply. My goal is to be able to further integrate and include internationals in the university life, culture, and events. Furthermore I want to establish more help and preparation for international students with regards to navigating the Dutch and International job market, as many events regarding this are still being held in Dutch. Finally, a great point of focus for me is the mental health of students. There has to be a stronger focus on having more resources and accommodations regarding mental health issues amongst all students. At Stimulus, in 2021-2022, I helped our board take a step towards providing a joint solution for the need of internships for (international) psychology students and students that require mental health support. I want to bring the change that you want to see, and thus invite you to follow us and see what we can achieve together!
Berkay Caglayan
External Relations
BSc Psychology
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience
I'm Berkay Caglayan, a MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology student at Tilburg University. When I am not focused on my studies, I like going to events, making music,
writing songs, cooking, playing guitar, acting and playing TTRPGs. Being an international student and having lived through the struggles that come with it, I am familiar with the issues that
other students like me are faced with. My goal is to make sure that international students have easy access to all the tools and information they need to make their integration in their new life
as seamless as possible, both in and out of university. Another point that I deeply care about is the mental health of all students. As I spent 3 years on getting done bachelors here at TiU, I
noticed that there needs to be a stronger focus in supporting students, with more available resources. I am here along my fellow board members to build a better environment for all Tilburg
University students!
Joep Tielemans
Educational Resources
BSc Psychology
Hello! My name is Joep Tielemans and I will be in the TSB School Council on behalf of Student Party Stimulus. Within our board I will be filling in the role of Education Coordinator. I am now in my second year of my studies and I will be doing the Clinical Psychology Major. I’ve always been interested in how and why people act the way they do. I hope that by doing research, we can understand people better and with that make the world a better place. In my free time I like to do sports and hang out with friends. I also like making music now and then. I joined Stimulus because I think it is important that TSB students are represented fairly and equally but also to maintain and improve the quality of our education. I believe that good education forms the base of good people. Therefore, I think it is worth fighting for the best education we can get!